Romeo and Juliet

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In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet is one of the main characters. I have learned that she is quite rash and bold and that she falls in love quickly. Juliet doesn’t really change throughout the play.I would not consider doing what Juliet does in the friar’s plan .The friar’s plan for Juliet had a chance to work in the beginning, but due to the unfortunate circumstances it doesn’t work out. Throughout the play of Romeo and Juliet, I have learned several things about Juliet. During the play she is quite rash and bold. She made big choices and didn’t really bother thinking about the consequences. She made some choices, though about them, but still made bad choices in the end. She also falls in love very quickly. Juliet fell in love with romeo really quickly. After meeting him, talking to him, and kissing him she was so in love with him that she wanted to get married to him and would be willing to do some crazy things for him. Juliet barely knew Romeo and Friar Lawrence married the two secretly hoping that it would end the feud between the two families. After Romeo got banished, Juliet was willing to do some very crazy things to be with Romeo and in the end she agreed to do the friar’s plan. Friar Lawrence’s plan for Juliet could have easily succeeded. The plan was fairly good and looked like it would work. Unfortunately Romeo did not receive from the friar’s friend due to the plague. After that happened the plan just fell apart. Friar Lawrence tried to bring Juliet to his cell until he could figure out what to do after that. Romeo had a different plan though, he was going to kill himself next to where Juliet was dead. Romeo beat the friar to juliet’s tomb and he killed himself before the friar got there. If things didn’t happen the... ... middle of paper ... ...e end she kills herself because she can’t picture being without Romeo even though if she had went with the friar, she probably would have gotten over the fact she didn’t have Romeo with her, because she hopefully would have realised that she barely knew him Personally I wouldn’t do Friar Lawrence’s plan. Risking your life for someone you barely know just to have a chance to be with them isn’t a very good idea. You could always lose your life trying or find out they aren’t the one for you. In the end Juliet died after going through with the friar’s plan so it isn’t really a good idea. Juliet doesn’t tend to make very good choices.Probably because she doesn’t make decisions very often and she is a teen. She didn’t make a very good choice going ahead with the friar’s plan but these bad choices are an essential part of the play. Works Cited Romeo and Juliet book

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