Romeo And Juliet Who's To Blame Essay

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“Some shall be pardoned and some punished’’ (Act V scene iii).Who was responsible for the deaths of the young teen lovers in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, honestly it was themselves who brought their own deaths upon . It was there fault but not all the blame should should be placed on the young teens. I believe their deaths were driven by their families , the nurse on the Capulet’s family side, and Friar Lawrence.These three things take a major role in in the two teens lives and their fate.
Throughout the play there are many fights between the Capulets and the Montagues. When the Prince says “If you ever disturb our streets again. Your lives shall pay for the forfeit of peace” (Act I scene i). This quote explains just how harsh the issues between the Montagues and the Capulets are. The families issues are what I believe had a strong role in the two teens down fall. I believe if the two families were not at each other’s necks that Romeo and Juliet would have been more open to telling their families about their affections for one another. If this was open to the table to tell, much of this nonsense would have been avoided.The inter problems between the families brought such a tense outcome upon the two teens lives. …show more content…

The nurse on the Capulet’s family encouraged and helped Juliet to see Romeo. “Hie you to church. I must another way, to fetch a ladder, by the which your love must climb a bird’s nest soon when it is dark. I am the drudge and foil in your delight, but you shall bear the burden soon at night” (Act II scene vi). This quote goes to show how the nurse helped cover for Juliet knowing it would most likely go against Juliet’s family’s wishes by doing so . She also pushed Juliet to marry Paris, knowing Juliet’s love for Romeo,which drove Juliet to make more desperate attempts to see Romeo

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