Romeo And Juliet True Love

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Love is, always has been, and always will be one of the greatest controversies of life. Whether true love is destined or a fantasy has not yet been accredited. Despite this, the fantasized facet appealed more practically combating with the conception of love being destiny. Although there is strapping evidence to both sides of the disagreement, the more realistic faction happens to be the fantasy aspect. True love being a fictitious idea is blindly admired and masked by an attraction to another person of choice.
Throughout the article There's No Such Thing as Everlasting Love (According to Science) by Emily Esfahani Smith, the topic of true love is said to be a “micro-moment of positivity resonance” (Smith 3), or in other words, “love is a connection, characterized by a flood of positive emotions, which you share …show more content…

The side of the argument believing Romeo and Juliet were destined to fall in love has many valid points, and is reasonably believable. The star-crossed, death-marked lovers had gone to the most extreme measures to be with one another, some being unexplainable by, possibly, anything but fate. An example of this being Romeo and Juliet’s lives being ended in order to be with one another. Though each action is, in fact, explainable by the immaturity of both Romeo and Juliet, more so demonstrating the falsely approved true love.
Romeo and Juliet had acted in ways supporting both sides of the fantasy or destiny disagreement. Though the most appropriate and logical side happens to be that of the fantasy aspect. The two had only been acquainted for a short number of hours before confessing their love for each other. This being not only beyond reason, but unbelievably childish and misleading. Immaturity, infatuation, and impulse had come in between Romeo and Juliet’s grasp on reality and their own fantasy. Exactly that is what Romeo and Juliet had established after an ignorant

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