Romeo And Juliet Nurse Quotes

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Alison Bomber’s direction of Romeo and Juliet is brilliantly exhilarating. Unwavering in its dedication to ensure that the audience was riveted to the characters onstage, this production of Romeo and Juliet will not be forgotten anytime soon. The passion, the impetuous romance, the inevitable tragedy – all wrapped in Shakespeare’s incandescent verse and heightened imagery – gains an immediacy under Bomber’s intimate approach to the tale of the most famous lovers in our western literature and drama. Mandy Mitchell’s magnetic portrayal of the Nurse in this production definitely stole the show from the star crossed lovers Joe Kopyt and Kahla Tisdale. Mandy Mitchell played the often bawdy but at the same time motherly character with such tenacity …show more content…

As the play went on, the more strained their relationship became. Tension filled the air as Juliet’s character grew from a quiet, obedient girl into a mature albeit emotionally charged young woman. The Nurse on the other hand was initially Juliet’s voice of reason – with Kahla Tisdale evoking a sense of dependency upon Mitchell’s character – but later on becoming the voice that Juliet opposes. Despite being a only a servant in the Capulet household, the Nurse has a role equivalent to that of Juliet's mother and regards Juliet as her own daughter. In the first scene where Juliet appears, Lady Capulet’s distant and cold delivery was juxtaposed with the Nurse’s more warm – albeit bawdy – response to the news of Paris’s proposal. Juliet was seen being closer with her handmaiden than her own mother, which she still regard with respect. Juliet’s goal was to be together with Romeo and she used the Nurse as her go-between because her budding romance with Romeo was a secret. The Nurse was more than willing to help Juliet but after Lord Capulet’s angry outburst at Juliet’s defiance to not accept Paris’s marriage proposal, the Nurse retreats quickly into submission and urges Juliet to forget Romeo. This scene pushed them apart as Juliet could not believe that the Nurse offered such a course of action after she helped bring the couple together. Tisdale and Mitchell …show more content…

Most notable was the scene where it changes to a romantic dawn, where Romeo had to leave to Mantua. As Tisdale and Kopyt were canoodling by the balcony, dawn came by through gradients and it felt as if time was stretched out, even though the – play up until that point – was fast paced. Another notable scene was when Mercutio, Benvolio and Romeo had a confrontation with Tybalt. It was depicted as scorching mid-day, and Poston delivered in allowing the scene to depict the heat of the moment, which turned into the inevitable brawl and accidental execution of Mercutio. The lighting design helped intensify Zack Meyer’s depiction of the egoistic Mercutio – the epitome of the traditional masculine aggression. The haunting scene where Juliet was alone in her room, contemplating drinking the deathly potion, Poston made the scene come to life with plays on shadows and a blue hued lighting design. As Tisdale imagines the gruesome reality of facing one’s own mortality, and laments on her situation, her performance was amplified by the stark contrast of her white dress against a lighting backdrop that played around with light and dark elements of the

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