Romeo And Juliet Journal Analysis

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What? My journal entries on the book Romeo And Juliet focuses on many different topics. My entries include my general thoughts on the play, I included my thoughts of a character, and I compared the play to other things, like the movie version. But what I think my entries mostly focuses on, is my thoughts on the scenes. For example, in one of my entries, I talked about the scene when Paris is asking permission to marry Juliet. I like to focus on the scenes because I like expressing my feelings on what is happening in the play. I also like how I get to recap on what is happening in my own words, so that way I understand it better. What I learned from the characters from the journal is that the characters back then had different lives than from people now, because of the expectations back then. The expectations for people in modern time is really different from what the expectations would have been back then. I think that the expectations really shapes the characters because the expectations determine how they would act. For example, back then, the expectation for sex is to have it after you are married, but now people are not expected to do that, so they would be …show more content…

I feel like everything I put in this journal was really useful to me. I think the journal was useful in every single way because all of the information in the play would help in the assignment I do in class. I think that every information in the play has to be connected to society was like back then, and I feel like that is important for me to know. I would continue to write in a journal in the study of Macbeth and Hamlet in grades 11 and 12 because the journal could be really useful, in the same way, it was useful to keep a journal for Romeo and Juliet. I also have troubles understanding Romeo and Juliet, and I found having a journal was useful for understanding it more, and using a journal for that can help reading Hamlet and

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