Romeo And Juliet Impulse Analysis

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Have you ever felt the impulse to do something? The word impulse means a sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare expresses what it means to act on impulse. This story tells about two young adults, Romeo and Juliet, who belong to two feuding families in Verona, the Capulets and Montagues. They fall in love at first sight and decide to get married the next day acting on impulses. Their marriage is performed by a man named Friar Lawrence who hopes this will end the feud between their families. However, things take a turn for the worst when Romeo becomes banished from Verona. The Friar devises a plan so Romeo and Juliet will be able to be together. The plan goes horribly …show more content…

He is often quick to act or make assumptions about people. Romeo’s first sign of impulsiveness is when he falls in love with Juliet at first sight. He disregards everything of his former love Rosaline and just looks in awe of his new love. Before he even says anything to her he says to himself, “I ne’er saw true beauty till this night”(I.II.51). That night he sits under Juliet’s balcony and hears her asking herself, “O be some other man!”(II.I.42). Romeo can not bear listening to this anymore and proclaims, “Henceforth I will never be Romeo.”(II.I.51). This scene proves how Romeo acts impulsively without thinking of the trouble this will eventually lead him into. The next day Romeo and Juliet get married by a man named Friar Lawrence. Soon after they are married Romeo is walking the street of Verona and sees Mercutio, Benvolio, and Tybalt arguing. Romeo tries to break up the scuffle, but this ends up getting his friend killed. Because of Mercutio’s death, Romeo picks up Mercutio’s sword and kills Tybalt without even thinking of what will happen next. Romeo decides that he wants to say one final goodbye to Juliet before he kills himself. After Romeo drinks the poison he cries, “Here’s to my love!”(V.IV.119). By this action it shows that he loved Juliet so much he could not live without her. All of these impulsive actions of Romeo lead to his

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