Romeo And Juliet Good Vs Evil Essay

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Throughout all of time, the discussion of good and evil has embedded itself within human society. Through careful observation, one may witness both horrors and blessings scattered throughout the world. As many came to view it, no individual or one thing on the earth is entirely benevolent or entirely malevolent. In the drama “Romeo and Juliet” written by William Shakespeare, many characters can reflect onto our current world today. Enter Romeo, who is a very double-edged character. The balance of good and evil is easily reflected by how his personality was written.
In the state of the current world, people have developed a taste for balancing the intent of their own actions. For example, the ability to lie to one another. Morally speaking, the entire concept of bending the truth comes at a cost; risk the backlash of being caught creating a false tale in exchange for self benefit. In some situations one may lie to cover a horrific truth, switching previous …show more content…

Enter Romeo, a young boy who has fallen deeply in love with Juliet. Romeo met Juliet only because he decided to crash a Capulet party. He then fell in love, balancing a bad act for a good outcome. Love itself is a very powerful emotion. The two find themselves being mocked by the world, as after they meet, they realize their love is forbidden, throwing more fuel onto a malicious fire. Romeo, the more outspoken of the pair, finds himself disobeying his family’s hatred for the Capulets to meet with and talk to his love. This is the first dilemma of the drama. Within Romeo lies an innocence that becomes tainted as his positive love develops. For instance, the killing of Tybalt. Although Romeo kills Tybalt in revenge for Mercutio’s death, Romeo knows Tybalt is Juliet’s dearest cousin. Though Romeo may be in love with Juliet, his positive feelings for her fan out into rage and anger towards

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