Roman Government Dbq

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There are significant similarities between the American and Roman governments, which suggest that the Roman government model influenced the United States government. While there are several parallels between them, there are also some key differences in their governing systems and constitutions. For example, unlike the Roman government, the United States grants all native-born citizens equal rights, regardless of gender or land ownership. Both governments prioritize the power of the people and the authority of the government, as they have both established a republic. The United States government derives inspiration from the classical minds and the effective Roman government system due to the structure of their governments, rights given to the people, and freedoms given to the people. The government structure of the …show more content…

Document 3 shows that Romans enjoyed the freedom to defend themselves, to have a fair trial, and to have a say in the jury. In Document 4, we see a variety of freedoms that US citizens enjoy, such as freedom of speech, press, and religion, from having soldiers quartered in their homes, unreasonable search and seizure, and the right to a fair trial. This demonstrates how both sets of citizens had many similar rights and freedoms, such as the right to trial and vote, and the freedom to maintain these rights. The United States and the Roman Republic share a striking resemblance when it comes to the freedoms and rights of their citizens. The records of these freedoms can be found in Documents 2, 3, and 4. Document 2 highlights the right of Roman male citizens to vote, while even the less powerful citizens had the power to veto the Senate's actions. Document 3 highlights the freedom of Romans to defend themselves, have an impartial trial, and have a say in the

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