Claudius: The Unlikely Emperor of Rome

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Roman Emperor Claudius (sorry for the Nero mistake) The Roman Emperor Claudius was born on August 1st, to the parents of Drusus Claudius Nero and Livia. Though his life is not a simple as that. He was born with a few birth defects causing him to drool and limp about. Leading to his parents keeping him hidden throughout most of his adolescence. With him being secluded his whole life, it lead to him having more time to study and throwing his extra time into gaining knowledge. Having been the butt of his Nehpew Gaius’s jokes his life was about to change when he was promoted to suffect consulship. After the murder of the emperor Gaius by angered members of his guardsmen, Claudius was found by the guardsmen, declared Emperor of Rome and taken to the guards camp.The senate was holding debates as to who should be come emperor next but when the guard arrived they informed the senate the next Emperor of Rome would be Claudius. The senate …show more content…

He annexed new lands for his empire. Under him the Roman armies flourished. He raised the wages of the armies and helped it grow through programs where 25 years of army service gave a person Roman citizenship. He kept law and order and gave just punishments. Like sentencing the assassins of Gaius to death. Even when the corrupt senate conspired against him 6 or more times he was able to thwart them one plot after another. Claudius was one of the better Roman Emperors in a long time, sadly Agrippina had to ruin it. Overall from his humble beginnings to sad endings, he was among a few of the top Emperors of Rome in my book. He kept balance, killing conspirers and punishing those aiding them. He grew the empire through annexing Britian. He had very close ties and great respect for his army which I personally like. Despite his disabilities (mentally and physically) he was still able to lead his nation better than some previous more enabled

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