Roman Catholic Church Dbq Analysis

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In the 21st century, the roman catholic church is a well followed religion with about 1.2 billion followers, the pope is a very famous and well known face around the world. The publicity of the pope comes from the billion followers of Roman Catholicism but, there was a time when the pope of the Roman Catholic church was viewed negatively as a result of permeating lies and encouraging acts of deceit. There was a time where the church was mostly about establishing ways to obtain money in an unfitting manner. As a result, this gave the church even more power and authority. Money is power, so the more money given to the church the more power the church would acquire. This money was given in purchases of indulgences which were pardons given by the priests to people who committed sins. While, Most people did not know or understand the wrongdoings done by Pope Gregory XI. There were few people who did know the wrongdoings by the …show more content…

Since Martin Luther failed Luther wrote an anti semitism. Luther’s reasoning was the fact that no Jews converted. “Whenever a Jew is sincerely converted, he should be handed one hundred, two hundred, or three hundred florins,” (Document X) This showed how Luther would give a reward to those who he converted. “First to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed. Third, I advise that all their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such idolatry, lies, cursing and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them.” Yet, Luther will punish those who do not convert. The Anti-Semitism spread through Europe after the Crusades, and the punishments Luther has stated are very similar to the ones Adolf Hitler and the Nazis used during the Holocaust. The holocaust could have been another effect to Luther’s

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