Rolf Carle: Summary

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When Rolf Carle attempts to mask his wounds and make them vanish like they’d never even been there, the pain returns and consumes him entirely. He sees a “fragment” of his past in the dying little girl. The event turns out to have a greater impact on him than Azucena. His full sense of consciousness was finally returned once the “unyielding floodgates” of agony and emotion poured out. In Rolf’s battle to save the young girl, he ultimately ends up saving himself.
Rolf kept his emotion hidden from the outside world. He’d spent the past thirty years hiding behind a “lens”. On every newscast, he presented with a calm tone, even when there was danger and suffering involved in the situation. His visibility to the real world had been compromised. …show more content…

He admitted to his companion that he was not a courageous man. This hinted that something deep down was bothering him, though he never spoke of it not until he came face-to-face with Azucena did he accept that reality had been “irreparably distorted”. Azucena was physically trapped, but Rolf mentally. Each time Rolf tugged on the rope as a means of rescue, the girl screamed. And each scream was a “tug” on Rolf’s pride. It was unbearable torture for the both of them. Rolf was determined to “snatch her from death”, but nothing could be done to save the young girl and both Azucena and Rolf were forced to accept their “fate”. As he sat with the girl for those long three days and nights watching Azucena die, his memories gradually began to come back to life. He became unable to look at this dying girl through a “lens” anymore. The camera was gone. Rolf was recalling all of his memories, and finally felt the need to let go. He had been “buried in clayey mud” all of this time, just as Azucena. The young girl had given in to an “ancestral resignation”, compelling Rolf to give into his grief. Heartache took over inside of him and his eyes overflowed with tears. Azucena says to him, “Don’t cry. I don’t hurt anymore. I’m fine.” Rolf responds “I’m not crying for you. I’m crying for myself. I hurt all over.” they both were finally relieved of their suffering.
In the end, Rolf is a changed man. Something “fundamental” made him a new person. In his battle to help Azucena, he truly finds the solution to his own battle. Seeing the girl imprisoned touched Rolf in a way that he himself couldn’t have done. When he sat with her, it was as if he was looking in a mirror, “naked”. Rolf was imprisoned himself. When Azucena decides to let go and accept her fate, Rolf too learned that he must let go and move

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