Role Of Gender Stereotypes In Magazines

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Magazines (Ads) and pratically all areas of the media focus on the idea of perfection and that without beauty you have nothing and you are nothing, making it the all time goal for everyone. However, the main target audience are women who want or feel the need to look like the women in media because those women look happy, are popular, and successful. Problem with this is this ideal goal is unrealistic and unreachable which puts a great un-needed strain. Advertisments think about every aspect the colors used, the people, the environment and the words even the tinest aspects are carefully planned to portray a wanted feeling or meaning to hit the target audience in order for them to buy the product. They aim at trying to convience the female population …show more content…

Major part of society is patriarchy which is a system of inequality organized around gender categories, as a way of organising social life where everyone participates. Patriarical views are men centered and misogynist placing women as objects, sexual property and as weak needing help. Most if not everyone of my groups ads are examples to this theory or truth, the women are shown sexually and perfect so women buy the product to become perfect and sexy so they are accepted to me. In some women are shown with men who apear to be strong, dominating with their arms around their women. Feminism works to distroy this cultural norm so men and women are equal and postfeminism is used to describe the reactions. Feminist are often seen as rightious, loud mouth and "male-bashing" because they are speaking up to sexual injustists. The work feminism does is distructive because it needs to be in order to make a change and distroy what is wrong with the system. But not enough since advertisments set feminist back, by portraying women as sexual and objects like in the jennifer aniston ad where she is posed sexy and wearing vertually nothing. Also, advertisments tell women they need makeup to be pretty and super like in the covergirl …show more content…

Perfect is everchanging, the ideal changes with what the culture deems as perfect. But the media isnt the bad guy entirely because its their job to get people to want a lifestyle or product and what they use (the context and images) are based on our culture and what people want. So if we as people change views then media in turn would most likely change, instead use it as a useful

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