Roe V. Wade's Argument Against Abortion

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In June 1969, 21-year-old Norma L. McCorvey discovered she was pregnant with her third child. She returned to Dallas, Texas, where friends advised her to assert falsely that she had been raped in order to obtain a legal abortion,with the understanding that Texas law allowed abortion in cases of rape and incest. She attempted to obtain an illegal abortion, but found that the unauthorized facility had been closed down by the police. So she was then referred to the following attorneys, Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington. She would have the child before the decision was made. The constitutional issue involved with this case is as follows, the legality of a woman's right to have an abortion. This be reminded that an abortion is the deliberate termination of a …show more content…

The case took place on January 22, 1973 in Washington DC,although it originated in Dallas Texas.The final decision made by The US Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision, affirmed the legality of a woman's right to have an abortion under the Fourteenth amendment to the Constitution.The court backed their decision up by justifying it under the fourteenth amendment of the constitution. John Roberts a conservative nominated by Bush 43 in 2005 supported Roe v Wade, and was one of 7 conservatives to vote for the issue. He says this as follows, “Roe v. Wade is the settled law of the land,” he said. “There’s nothing in my personal views that would prevent me from fully and faithfully applying that precedent.” Whether as a member of the court he would try to change that law remains to be seen”. My personal views on abortion are this, they are the deliberate termination of a living human and go against my religious views. I do think there are loopholes with abortion ; such as, in cases of rape and insect, but it has been estimated that about 5 percent of rape victims of reproductive age (12 to 45) become

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