Robotic Technology Essay

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5.0 Potential Products from Robotic Technology
5.1 Introduction
Today, the number of robots in the world is approaching 1,000,000. The confluence of various advanced and improved technologies is bringing the age of robotic technology ever cheaper, nearer, smaller and cost effective. There are three aspects of any robot which are brawn, bone and brain. Brawn means the strength relating to physical payload that a robot can move. Next, bone stands for the physical structure of a robot relative to the task it does. This determines the weight and size that the robot in relation to its physical payload. Lastly, brain indicates the robotic intelligence which means how it can think and do independently and how much manual interaction is needed. There are many products that utilize the robotic technologies around us today such as ATMs machines, automated gas pumps, self service checkout lanes and so on. The potential product of utilizing robotic technology such as humanoid robotics is an emerging research field that will become increasingly important to help human beings in their daily lives. Some of the potential products of using robotics technology are mentioned below:
5.2 Potential Product, NAO
Who is NAO? NAO is an autonomous, advanced-programmable humanoid robot. NAO is created by Aldebaran Robotics, a French robotics company headquartered in Paris. The launch of Project NAO was begun by the robot’s development in 2004. On 15th August 2007, Sony’s robot dog, Aibo was replaced by NAO as the robot used in the RoboCuo Standard Platform League (SPL), an international robot soccer competition. In 2008 and 2009, NAO was used in RoboCup, and the NaoV3R was selected as the platform for the SPL at RoboCup 2010.
5.2.1 History
There are six ...

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...ze sound in any environment just like human. This is due to the microphone all around his head.

 Smart Stiffness
This is a unique function which automatically adjusts the power required by the motors during the action of the robot.

 Fall Manager
Nao can stand up by himself if he falls down. Nao is equipped with a fall detection system. This function plays the role to protect Nao with his arms before hitting the ground.
 Anti Self Collision
The role of this function is to prevent Nao’s arms from colliding with the rest of his body. Nao always knows the position of his legs, torso, head, and arms. This results him to avoid unwanted and accidental limb collisions.

 Resource Manager
Nao’s biggest confront is to order and merge conflicting commands. He is capable to stop or interrupt or adjust the behavior in progress before executing a new needed behavior.

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