Robin Hood Ethical Analysis

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Robin Hood: Stealing from the rich and giving away to the poor

In philosophy, we often question what is ethical, what is moral, what is right and what is wrong based on several philosopher’s views. In this paper, I will examine the actions of Robin Hood through philosophical lenses, giving my opinion in regards which theory best judges and describes the effects of this significant figure. Robin Hood was an archer in a tale in the English folklore, who stole from the rich and gave money to the poor. Robin Hood is often a theme of discussion amongst scholars and other individuals interested in moral, ethics and philosophy since it raises several points that can be evaluated in regards judging if his actions were justifiable for the greater good. To evaluate Robin Hood through philosophical lenses, we can use utilitarian concepts to understand the logics of his actions. First, utilitarianism states that a person’s actions should promote the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people, a guiding principle for conduct (Downie, 1976). Keeping in mind the utilitarian principles, we can further analyze the actions of Robin Hood and determined if they were justifiable through this theory’s philosophical lenses. Stealing from one wealthy person and distributing that wealth can give happiness …show more content…

His actions of killing those who tried to attack the poor might go against several ethical principles. However, he was doing so to protect several people. In the utilitarian lenses, it seems that the principle of the conduct of Robin Hood follows the rule of happiness, which is to shape your actions in a way that brings happiness to the greatest amount of people. Robin Hood was also considered by the population as a hero, a savior of the people. Thus, it seems as Robin Hood fits the criteria of utilitarian actions as to bring the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of

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