Louis Stevenson Use Of Setting In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

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A study of Robert Louis Stevenson’s use of settings, characters and symbolism in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and MR Hyde

Robert Louis Stevenson was born on the November 13th, 1850 in
Edinburgh as the son of Thomas Stevenson, joint-engineer to the Board of Northern Lighthouses. Since his childhood Stevenson suffered from tuberculosis. In 1867 he entered Edinburgh University to study engineering, but soon changed to law and then devoted his life to writing. He had a wife Fanny, whom he married in 1880. He ended his life as a tribal leader in Vailima, in Samoa before he died on
December 3, 1894. Stevenson died of a brain hemorrhage, aged 44.

The symbolism starts with his birth place Edinburgh, it has a new town and an old town, …show more content…

There are some phrase’s though that taking a bit of thinking about “the wind was continually charging and routing these embattled vapours” (page 23) What does it mean? Well I think that something is being disrupted in the air this phrase also has an example of personification in it ‘charging’ is personified. These are also examples of pathetic fallacy.

There is also a lot of violent and pessimistic vocabulary used about
Soho it is described as haggard and needs life putting back into it.
It’s a dismal, muddy and gloomiest place in London probably in the country. I think that Soho and London are like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Soho is the impure dismal extraction from London. So all the bad parts of London are put into this one area so that the rest of London is nice but we all know that I cant be completely pure. Soho and Hyde are the parts that we want to enjoy but we know we shouldn’t in Soho there might be prostitutes and Hyde might have take drugs they are things we shouldn’t do but that we …show more content…

In the Victorian era there was a lot of suppression and it’s like Dr
Jekyll’s evil has been suppressed into this one character but this evil is suppressed so much that it burst’s out even bigger than it was in the first place. I think this is also another use of symbolism because when you suppress something it becomes small and Mr Hyde is a very small person and has some of Dr Jekyll’s evilness in suppressed in him.

Mr Utterson is a very honest man and doesn’t let out other peoples secrets and is also the keeper of Dr Jekyll’s will which shows that he must be a very trusted man which you would hope he is as he’s a lawyer. I think he is also a very noisy man as he’s the one that see’s something through the window and he’s the one that goes and breaks down Dr Jekyll’s door to the laboratory. He is man that you become to like and is liked by others he is also a very respectable man most likely because he’s a lawyer.

Dr Lanyon is a man that likes to live life as a bit of a poser really very theatrical I picture him as the type of guy who is in ‘the’ bars and leads a very high class live in society also he would have all new nice clothes and the right friends a gentleman I also think that

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