Robert Hanssen's Role In The FBI

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Introduction Case History For more than 20 years an agent of the FBI, Robert Hanssen, committed espionage against the United States government. He provided thousands of pages of classified documents to the Soviet intelligence agency, the KGB, which drastically compromised United States intelligence secrets. (Fine, 2003) What is even more alarming than the amount of information that Robert Hanssen provided to the KGB; which the impact and scope of damage will never be fully known (Fenton, 2001), is the amount of time that he operated within the system before he was finally captured in February 2001. The duration of his actions is reported to have gone on longer; and been more damaging, than any other act of espionage in the history of the United States. (Fenton, 2001) Through an extensive investigation and the tireless effort by counterintelligence agents, Robert Hanssen was eventually captured and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. This paper will examine Robert Hanssen’s background, the threats and indicators, the role CI agents played in investigating and capturing Hanssen, and an assessment of the outcome. Who was Robert Hanssen? …show more content…

He was considered a well-qualified candidate for the FBI due to his background; which included experience in law-enforcement, a high-level education, and extensive work experience. He served in various positions early in his career and “generally received average to favorable performance evaluations throughout his career.” (Fine, 2003) Robert Hanssen was described; however, as being weak in leadership and management skills and possessed poor interpersonal skills. Despite many issues that should have prevented Hanssen from progressing through the ranks of the FBI and holding positions that eventually put him at an advantage to commit the level of espionage that he did, he still managed to get

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