Robert Cialdini Persuasion

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Born on April 27th, 1945 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Robert Cialdini is a very famous and influential phycologist and professor. Robert Cialdini earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin in June 1967. Cialdini then went on to Graduate Studies in Social Psychology at the University of North Carolina and earned his Ph.D. in June 1970. Then he received Postgraduate training in Social Psychology at Columbia University 1971. 1971 -1975 Cialdini was as an Assistant Professor for the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University. In 1979 became a professor in the psychology department at Arizona State University where he still works today (Sherman). Robert Cialdini has received many awards over his outstanding career. …show more content…

Robert Cialdini stated the following about liking “No surprise that people prefer to say yes to a request to the degree that they know and like the requester. A simple way to make things happen in your direction is to uncover genuine similarities or parallels that exist between you and the person you want to influence, and then raise them to the surface. That increases rapport.” There are five keys to liking they are: attractiveness, similarity, praise, familiarity, and association. Studies have shown that attractive people are more successful in persuasion and getting whatever they want. People who know each other are more likely to say yes to requests. Becoming familiar through repeated contact with a person another way that normally facilitates Liking. Authority is the fifth principle of persuasion. Authority refers to the tendency of people to be persuaded in your direction when you have knowledge and credibility on a certain topic. Many people inform their audience of false information before attempt to influence them. When reacting to authority there is a tendency to do so in response to the symbols of authority rather than to its substance. Three symbols have been demonstrated through research as effective in this regard: clothes, job title, and automobiles. Scarcity is the sixth principle of persuasion. Most people hold a higher value to objects or opportunities when they are labeled as “limited time” and they have a “deadline” set on the objects or opportunities. Robert Cialdini said “People will try to seize those opportunities that you offer them that are rare or scarce, dwindling in availability. That’s an important reminder that we need to differentiate what we have to offer that is different from our rivals or competitors. That way we can tell people honestly, “You can only get this aspect, or this feature, or this combination of advantages by moving in the direction that I’m

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