Road Not Taken Essay

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A choice made in “The Road Not Taken,” written by Frost, precludes a life changed for eternity. In Robert Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken,” the author speaks of a choice that must be made. Nothing else in this poem exists beyond the choice. All is focused on the search for the right decision, and culminates in a reflection of the impact of said decision. In truth, this choice is reflected on as a decision for the whole of humanity. The symbolism of the two roads going in different directions: a fork in the road, is indicative of a choice that one must make. Which way should the person go? What are the consequences of the choice? Will this person have the opportunity to come back to the fork and follow the other road? There is a “yellow wood.” (par. 1, line 1) A vision of Aspen trees, with their gloriously flamboyant golden hue present in the fall may represent several things. It may specify that the individual …show more content…

4, line 1) Retrospect flaunts itself in the remembrance of the decisions made. Reflection brings forth a notable sense of relief within the individual’s mind, body and soul as one. This individual, not only pleased with the results this decision has wrought, desires to tell others about how this decision has impacted their lives. Like an evangelist or a missionary, they seek to proliferate the message, exalting the decision, so that others would choose as they had. The importance of this choice, forever on their mind of a time when they were given a choice. Not forced, not coerced, but placed before one expectantly, knowing that with time, the choice will inevitably be made. That choice, once made has the power to work powerful changes in one’s life. Though other choices may come, the destination was already set in stone. “And that has made all the difference.”(par. 4, line 5) The individual life was planned out, their mind at peace, knowing that they had made the right

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