River Runs

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After watching a River Runs Through it in English class, I took some time to reflect on the film as a whole. I learned many life lessons and witnessed many hardships throughout the film. None of these hardships were more apparent to me than the gambling problem that Paul endures. During the course of the movie, Paul's family tries to reach out a helping hand to turn Pauls life back on track but they are unsure how to do so. Whether it is because the disregarded mind of Paul, or the willingness to accept his wrong doings, his family fails to get through to him. This tragedy is a perfect example of our prompt for this paper. Reverend Maclean's final sermon reads as this. "It is true that we can seldom help those closest to us--either we don't …show more content…

Within two days of my father's mothers death, there was a receiving of friends gathering at the Church on Tennessee's campus. At first it started off with just family members and close friends talking and comforting each other. My grandmothers passing was very tough on me and other members in my family but it hit my father the hardest. After several moments of catching up with family members the first of many people started piling into the Church. Many of my family's friends and loved ones of my grandmother began to make there way over to me and my father. Each person that greeted me would say the same thing. "I'm so sorry this happened to you Stokes. Your grandmother was an amazing woman and she will be deeply missed. She is in a better place now." I thanked all of these kind words while fighting back tears. One of the toughest parts of the evening was when the people inside the Church would offer their condolences to my father. "If there is anything you need, just let me know" was one of the more redundant and frequent sayings that were spoken to my father. Even though all of the condolences were worded differently, I noticed the same sound of hesitance and uncertainty the voices. All of the people who wanted to offer help to my father in this time of need, were unsure how to do so. I understand what the people must have even

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