Rikki Tifi Theme Essay

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A theme is a message of a story or the idea that the author wishes to express. The theme in the short story, “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” by Rudyard Kipling is that evil is punished and good is rewarded. Rikki-tikki’s character is good, and he is the protagonist. Throughout the story he worked to protect Teddy and the family. Rikki-tikki’s reward was keeping the family safe by defeating the cobras. The cobras were evil, and they were antagonists because they tried to kill everyone in the house and in the garden. They were punished by getting defeated, losing the garden, and losing the baby cobras. In this story, the action helped me figure out the theme and helped me realize clearly that it had something to do with good versus evil. I can see, however, how some people might think the theme is that hard work can bring a great reward. I intend to prove that my theme is correct. With these examples, you can easily tell that Rikki-tikki is great and, the cobras are wicked, but is that really enough? If not, we can look at some more text like how Nag and Nagaina were evil. Nag ate all of Darzee’s babies that fell out of the nest. Also, when Nag was about to fight Rikki-tikki, Nagaina came up behind Rikki-tikki, and tried to strike. After that, when the house was quiet, Nag sent Nagaina to kill …show more content…

First, Rikki-tikki worked hard to get the cobras to go away, and not arrive again, and Rikki-tikki slayed them. He was honored by both his garden family, Teddy, the “big man”, and the mother for keeping them secure and protected, and he could keep his home. On the other side, the cobras worked hard to get the garden and the house for them and the cobras that were about to hatch. But, they didn’t get rewarded, they got killed. So if you think that hard work can bring a great reward is the theme, just think, Rikki-tikki worked hard and got rewarded, but the cobras worked hard and got no

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