Rikki-Tavi, By Rudyard Kipling

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The story “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”, written by Rudyard Kipling, tells the tale about Rikki Tikki’s war-like situation with the beastly cobras. A bungalow in India is protected by one ferocious mongoose. Only Rikki-Tikki’s protectiveness, tenacity and intelligence will allow him to overcome the garden’s most feared creatures. First, Rikki shows us how protective he was when he challenged Nagaina to her final battle. “Son of a big man who killed Nag,” she hissed, “I am not ready yet. Keep very still! If you move, I strike. If you don’t move, I still strike. Oh, you foolish people who killed my Nag…” Then Rikki-Tikki came up and cried, “Turn around Nagaina, turn around and fight!”(p.g 24) Nagaina had been threatening to kill the boy with her venomous fangs. Since the family was overtaken by fear for their young son, they were powerless at that moment. Rikki finally arrived, feeling angered and protective of the people who cared for him, and challenged Nagaina to a battle she would not slither out of alive. …show more content…

“Rikki-Tikki knew that he must catch her (Nagaina) or all of the trouble would begin again.” (p.g 26) After stealing the last egg from Nagaina, he tried to negotiate a deal with her. Rikki Tikki wanted Nagaina to leave the garden and never return, but the cycle would just repeat itself. If Rikki let Nagaina go, the egg would hatch and a new cobra would emerge and continue to terrorize the garden’s animals. Nagaina tried to escape Rikki-Tikki, but she knew he would never stop until she was gone. Rikki could have let her go, but his tenacity did not allow him to be

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