Right To Bear Arms Arguments

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What would happen if we changed our Second Amendment? The right to bear arms; would our nation go mad, or become safer? Arguing about gun control is like arguing about who should be our next President. Both sides have their pros and cons, and whatever you go with, someone out there will always disagree with you. Having the right to bear arms comes with a large amount of responsibilities.
To begin with, owning a firearm presents you with two options, use it for protection, fun, and away from innocent civilians, or use it for violence. A class handout titled “The 2nd Amendment,” provides a section of statistics about gun violence. It states that “In 1998, 3,792 American children and teenagers died by gunfire.” Also, from 1998-1999, 3,500 students were expelled for bringing firearms to school. This shows how firearms are used for violence, and makes our Second Amendment look very bad. In the same hand out, a section titled “District of Columbia v. Heller,” provides us with information about how the right to bear arms is a right which we should not lose, do to the fact that it’s in our constitution. When it comes to owning a firearm, we need to be smart about how we use it and what for. …show more content…

Heller,” about banning handguns. It states “The plaintiff in Heller challenged the constitutionality of Washington D.C. handgun ban, a statute that had stood for 32 years.” Many disagreed with this case because this “right to bear arms” law has been with us for so long, that we don't want it to be taken away from us. U.S citizens proclaim it is a violation of our rights. In the handout, the section titled “McDonald v. City of Chicago” tells us that the case will be reopened, fought, and possibly overruled once again in 2017. This means if the majority of votes go to banning firearms, our Second Amendment will be torn out of the

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