Richard Rodriguez The Achievement Of Desire

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As a child I was always told that education was the key to success. Just like Richard Rodriguez’s parents believed education was vital, but never really engaged with him in it, just like me. As Rodriguez quotes in The Achievement of Desire, “I was oddly annoyed when I was unable to get parental help with a homework assignment” (44). In my perspective as a child I believed that parents knew everything. That they were wise and were supposed to be there for me whenever I needed them. Until I reached a point in which their knowledge couldn’t help me anymore. Which annoyed me just like Rodriguez. I come from a family just like Rodriguez. My parents had completed high school and had technical jobs back in their native country. But like most people they left their country to go to America for a better future for their family. So far their sacrifice was worth it. As a result I have the opportunity to have a better life and to further my education. As Rodriguez states, “for their children my parents wanted chances they never had- an easier way" (53). That’s the dream that all parents want, but most can’t really help us in.
As a child I honestly loved school. I can still recall my first day of …show more content…

For Rodriguez, his drive towards education was wanting to be like his teachers as it states, “to his teachers, he offers great satisfaction; his success is their proudest achievement” (65). I’m not going to college because I want to make my parents proud, which was my original motive on why I was always dedicated to school. I’m going because I see it as an opportunity, that not everyone gets to better oneself. It’s an opportunity to make the world a better place. There are many things people are unaware such as our contribution for polluting the environment. Once we open our self towards education it is hard to turn our backs towards issues around the world. Our mind starts thinking differently and we start to think how we can make a

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