Rhetorical Analysis Of Obama's Speech

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How do you introduce one of most controversial presidential candidates of all time? Use one of the most popular first ladies in United States history. Even with her popularity, First Lady Michelle Obama needed to carefully craft her speech to stroke the emotions of her audience as she spoke at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in support of Hillary Clinton. Appeals to emotion, is known as pathos. A high level of pathos is vital as Mrs. Obama tries to establish a strong connection with her audience. This connection is a determinate in the audience understanding the speaker’s perspective, accepting her claims and heeding a call to action. The goal of the first lady was to convince the audience that as a concerned parent with daughters …show more content…

In the case of this speech, the event at which it was given clearly means the audience was on the ideological same plane as Ms. Obama. The crowd of at the convention was also filled with many parents and women. She clearly states her theme of “every child needs a champion,” and Hillary is it. This is a highly effective theme because to those that have children noting is more important. To everyone else children represent the future. Throughout her speech Ms. Obama uses her children “the heart of our hearts” to help guide the audience emotions. Her choice of this description is designed to trigger the deep emotion parents feel for their kids. Further she uses the word bully to describe those that are cruel and hateful. In the United States, bullying is an important social issue due to the dangerous effects bullying has on young people. The word evokes the protective emotions towards …show more content…

An emotional landmine is a trigger that can create a negative rush of emotion in the audience. In her speech Michelle Obama, came close to several potential landmines with the crowd. Typically crowds at party conventions are predisposed to being emotional charged in the speaker’s favor. In this case, supporters of Bernie Sanders could possibly have unfavorable feelings toward Mrs. Clinton. Speaking of Clinton as trustworthy, may trigger a landmine with these supporters as many questions of fairness surrounded her days before the speech. Further as she makes the case that the Democrat candidate for president is the champion for children and the rights of everyone, she implies that the other nominee is chasing “fame and fortune.” Many people on both sides of the political spectrum could see Hillary Clinton in a similar light. Ultimately these triggers were not an issue due to this being a choice between the lesser of two

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