Rhetorical Analysis Of Naomi Mcdougall-Jones's Speech

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In November of 2016, Naomi McDougall-Jones stood on a TED Talk stage and expressed her life experiences, as well as statistical information, about the reality of being a woman in Hollywood. Her aspiration is for all men and women who are involved in the film industry to receive gender parity. Naomi specifies that she is an advocate for both men and women, and that her goal is not for the female film industry to dominate the male film industry (16). She declares that her audience is all people who watch movies as well as filmmakers, businesspeople, and entrepreneurs because these are the people who have the power to enact social change (13-15). Naomi uses ethos and pathos throughout her speech in order to raise awareness for gender parity …show more content…

She establishes her credibility by telling personal stories that also cause the audience to feel sympathetic towards her. Her stories demonstrate the struggles that she, and other females, have experienced as being women in the film industry. Naomi also uses pathos by repeating the phrase “it’s just the way it is” throughout the first half of the speech. She repeats this phrase several times to emphasize that this phrase is how the world goes along with the already existing system, however, the world will always be that way unless someone does something about it (6). Naomi again uses pathos with her energy throughout the entire speech. Her tone is upbeat and the way that she moves on stage shows how passionate she is about what she’s saying. Her energy causes the audience to feel the same …show more content…

She declares several interesting statistics and also brings attention to the fact that the large majority of the world is affecting gender inequality in the film industry, not just Hollywood itself. She appeals to the majority of the world’s population with logos by saying that, “if you have watched mostly American movies in your lifetime, 95 percent of all the films you have ever seen were directed by men. Somewhere between 80 and 90 percent of all of the leading characters that you have ever seen were men. And even if we just talk about the last five years, 55 percent of the time that you have seen a woman in a movie, she was naked or scantily clad” (8). By making these statements, Naomi is pointing out that in reality, it isn’t just Hollywood that is causing gender inequality, it is also the people who simply just watch movies. It is safe to assume that the majority of the people in the audience watch movies and so this part of the speech is meant to be very appealing to them. Naomi also uses logos in her speech by describing her four-point plan for a revolution against gender inequality in the film industry. She does this by addressing all of the different groups of people who influence Hollywood in some way; people who watch movies, filmmakers, business people, and entreprenuers. She encourages these groups to continue to do what they are doing, but to do it in a way

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