Rhetorical Analysis Of Kalanithi

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Through the use of Kalanithi's own life, he is able to present many life lessons he has been able to uncover and present to the readers through his memoir. While presenting these truths and advice, his writing appeals to the readers, including me, with the incorporation of metaphors or similes, all while building rhetorical strategies, such as ethos and pathos, to appeal to the reader. While using rhetorical strategies, he attempts to convey his message of empathy, communication, and human connection, especially in a medical practice to further connect with his patients. Even though this passage included other rhetoric, I personally believe that Kalanithi building up pathos in this passage appealed to me the most while reading this passage. …show more content…

With this, Kalanithi is able to bond with his patients and sooth them when they are overwhelmed, confused, and terrified. Kalanithi, for example, was able to create an environment for the thirty-five-year-old woman where “she was a person, instead of a problem to be solved” (Kalanithi 90). Creating this safe environment for them allowed Kalanithi to support, empathize, but mainly guide his patients, such as the thirty-five-year-old woman, “calmly” through different options as he attempts to “guide you, as best as I can” (Kalanithi 88). Kalanithi’s interactions with his patients create an environment where he is able to approach his patients as equals to help them further. Furthermore, Kalanithi seeing his patients as people rather than inconveniences really reminded me of the support my family received from all sorts of people, but mainly the doctors, during my mom’s endeavors. These doctors were able to connect with my mother in a caring environment and refused to give up on her, even when she was doubtful about her situation. Just like Kalanithi, my mom’s doctors approached her with equals and encouragement, supporting her with each step, literally. With the aid of the many doctors, my mother and my family were able to get through this time of hardship

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