Rhetorical Analysis Of Dick Gregory

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Dick Gregory, seen on the state of the black union on CNN, hosted by Travis Smiley, is a phenomenal speaker. He was direct, brutally honest and used satire to deliver his point of view to the audience. Dick Gregory, came direct and forward with his input on CNN. Acknowledging the fact that since his been alive people have been accepting with a city being called sin city. When it could actually be called chocolate city. Gregory described how sin referred to evil, nasty, inspirit and ungodly whereas; chocolate meant beautiful, love, basically the complete opposite. His body is frail for a 74 year old man, yet he wasn’t shy nor did he hold back about his views. He laid it all out on the table. Furthermore, as direct as Mr. Gregory was, the fact that he also came off brutally honest was another story. He shook the audience with his lack of careness for the opposing. “It’s ungodly to vote against something” he didn’t try to hide his words behind anything. He stated his views and just hoped it got across. He said “We’ll have a black pope when God is no longer God. Stating the fact that …show more content…

For Mr. Gregory that was his entire speech. One of the reasons why his speech was so outstanding was due to the fact that he use satire to connect with the audience. He used humor to point out important details to the audience. He said “Prices were so low, his cousins didn’t have to shoplift” Bringing up economic issues. “Water cost more than gas, if he could have a best buy mobile card for water.” Finally exposing the fact that they take house away when times were good and his ways of trying to get loans to open up black’s business. Such a black airline that don’t serve alcohol but allows you to bring your one. Also one that won’t lose your luggage because you can’t bring any. Those lines were hilarious but also point out specific

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