Rhetorical Analysis Of Colin Kaepernick's Actions

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For many years, America continues to have a strong and powerful pride for law enforcement, because they protect many people. However, Colin Kaepernick represents the minorities that don’t have a chance to speak their thoughts. During the last preseason game, Kaepernick remained seated during The Star-Spangled Banner, because of racial discrimination. Although many people disagree with his protest, the author also believed his actions had a meaningful cause, which didn’t harm himself or anyone else. Many Americans were able to see his message about discrimination. The author has presented, that Donald Trump and Drew Brees oppose Kaepernick’s actions. Donald Trump stated to go to another country, if he did not like what was happening. In other words, he is saying if you don’t like it, don’t stay here. However, Kaepernick has a right to support his ideas and opinions, because of the many police shootings. In addition, Drew Brees stated that his actions were insulting the American Flag. Although Kaepernick’s actions might seem offensive, his intentions wasn’t trying to insult the flag, but it was to stand up for the how poorly the minorities were treated. For instance, Kaepernick didn’t intentionally do this to cause a commotion. Instead, he wanted to protest in a quiet way. According to …show more content…

Many people agree with Kaepernick of what he did, because they understand his actions and point of view. According to the author, Kaepernick’s protest was done during a time when race was very important. Therefore, his protest has been very controversial, and has effected the country in many ways. Some people has changed their thoughts on how police are, and has had ideas to support his goal. Kaepernick’s goal wasn’t trying to offend anyone, but it was to show, that if they want his support, then they need to fight for many people that has been oppressed due to their

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