Rhetorical Analysis Of Anaphoras In Kennedy's Inaugural Address

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Kennedy used anaphoras to emphasize the important sections of his inaugural address, such as when he first described the world as very different now and that “man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life” (6). He insisted that the American people should go beyond their differences and to think of “today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom” (3). Kennedy urged the people to celebrate the history of their nation and embrace the future as a united people as he declared that “we are the heirs of that first revolution” (10). A nation and people that were “tempered by war” and “disciplined by a hard and bitter peace” both recognize the importance of American history and …show more content…

He challenges his audience to take their future into their own hands by saying that “In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course.” To further engage his audience, he urges them to “ask not what your country can do for you” but what “you can do for your country” The people elected a man that they thought would lead them, and so Kenney promises to empower and inspire the American people to act for the betterment of the …show more content…

As with the new, younger generation of Americans come with a new profound crusade to move forward with the ideals of freedom and liberty. He promised loyalty to faithful friends who would join with the United States of American in “a host of cooperative ventures” and went as far to offer help to other developing nations. He promised “our best efforts” and reassures liberty’s survival across the world as he pledged to address the actions that would threaten liberty and freedoms around the

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