Rhetorical Analysis Of A Talk By Zak Ebrahim

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Rhetorical Analysis
I am the Son of a Terrorist: Here’s How I chose Peace is the title of a talk by Zak Ebrahim given in Ted Talks. The speaker offers the talk with the aim of enhancing an open-minded approach towards extremism citing that it is not “inherent in one’s religion or race”. Ebrahim suffices as the voice of the rational Muslims that silently suffer from blanket condemnation when it comes to religious extremism. His intended audience is the misinformed public that perceives the whole Muslim community as suspect in relation to extremism. The talk can thus be said to be an eye-opener to the audience on the need for appreciation of diversity and open-mindedness. Ebrahim achieves this with his personal narrative.
To appreciate the talk’s effectiveness in conveying the speaker’s intended message, it is prudent analyze it through the rhetorical analysis lens. This is made possible with rhetorical strategies. Ethos is one such strategy that seeks to appeal to the credibility and reliability of a literal …show more content…

His talk allows his listeners to broaden their view regarding extremism and Islam as a religion. Using his personal story, Ebrahim emerges as the alternative voice of the Islam community that has continuously being on the receiving end for its perceived intolerance. He manages to convey this message with precise clarity with rhetorical strategies. The ethos were essential in injecting credibility in his exchange with the Ted Talks audience. He surfaces as an astute speaker in touch with the realities of extremism and religious discrimination. The talk incorporates logos extensively to highlight the rationality of the speaker’s assertions. His logical sentiments help him in achieving this. Through his brave personal confessions, Ebrahim rouses emotions, imaginations, and divergent views. He effectively executes pathos through his choice of words and expression of life

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