Review Of The General's Son Miko Peled Summary

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Review of the general's son by Miko Peled The tale is of the events of history, the events which might not be known to many, the events which are described so as to draw a clear picture of the happenings within the minds of the reader. The tale is significant in nature and looks into the description of various historical events as if they had happened only recently. This indulges the reader more and more into the reading of the tale and learning about the happenings within the lives of the people during historical times. This article has been written on the basis of a true story, which is related to the life style and the events that have been undertaken within the life. The general son article has been written by Miko peled and it exists …show more content…

These tales were associated with his father as well as his grandfather. The narration is significant in nature because various details have been taken into consideration within it and there is plenty of data that one can review, analyze and give their stance on. The author has continued with the tale as he describe all his experiences and relations with his grandmother. She was the one who told him about the Zionist society as well as the spokes man of this society. This person used to do travelling across the jewish communities and indulged them towards leaving the area and moving right back to Palestine. He was also the first ambassador to Scandinavia. The author has been told about the relationship that the grandmother has with his grandfather. A tale of love, commitment and affection is pursued as she narrates to him that she still misses him. The description of the tales is significant in nature so as to amaze the reader, the author himself has shown signs of amazement at various points throughout the tale. Basically a drawing of the historical events has been …show more content…

But then his life was significantly changed to be an activist within the human rights as well as peace fighting between the Israel and Palestine. There is a transition of actions which has been determined within the tale, the grandfather of the author was working against the Israeli’s while the father of the author was working for the protection of the Israeli’s, this contradiction makes the journey of the author even more difficult as there is a conflict of thoughts and decisions within his mind. He however mentions within his book that he should not have been taught to become a patriotic Israeli. Summing up the whole book, it can be said that is a tale of a journey from a perpetrator to bystander and from victim to up stander. This piece of writing describes and even teaches the readers various lessons regarding what they are not aware of within the historical events and the historical backgrounds. Many a times what you hear or see is quite different from reality and developing of a conclusion merely on the basis of the stance that others portray is not wise at all. The journey undergone by the author helps in the gaining of answers of various unanswered questions which reside in the minds of the readers throughout the world. Eventually the author has become a critic of the Israeli occupation as well as a supporter of the Palestine

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