Review Of Martin Luther King's Speech 'I' Ve Been On The Mountain Top

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Martin Luther King had a fluentual speech in 1968, "I've Been on the Mountain Top". He mostly points out that everyone here, not just citizens of America, but from all countires were created equal and are God's children. Even though I am not black, this speech applied to my life, and also applies to democracy and respect we need to show to eachother. Reading Mr. King's speech, the one thing that stood out to me that applies to my life and growing up, is when King mentions that we are all God's Children and how some are suffering. "There are thirteen hundred of God's Children here suffering"(King). I was raised in a christian home, so most of the religous examples he was expressing, I understood. This hit me in the heart. I was raised seeing that everyone was eqaul; I did notice the different color skins but never acted on it. Reading "God's Children here suffering", it takes me back to my mission trips and helping the mexican people. This means a lot, espeically where I grew up at. In Chelan you have the mexicans and the whites, …show more content…

Martin Luther King wanted us to realize that we have to respect eachother to be see that all of us are equal. King got a letter from a white nineth grader from White Plains Highschool, and she stated, "And I'm simply writing you to say that I'm so happy that you didn't sneeze." If this does not show what respect is, especially during the 60's, then I choose to not know what respect means. I believe King shared this information to show that not all white people at the time were bad. There are good in white people and to not blame all the negative actions on them. Respect is a big reason why the blacks were looked down at because in the beginign of black slavery, the white did not see them as equal, they were below dirt. They did not have respect for the blacks at all, so many generations saw this growing up and continued untill a black person acually cared and stood up for

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