Reverend George And The Salem Witchcraft Trials

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At first, I thought a good reason to assume why the girls accused Reverend George was that he was not murdered or killed by a fellow witch unlike everyone else around him. And he was not hurt or affected by them in the least. Another reason is that people speculated that Reverend George had these weird and not religious beliefs and practices. The Indian Wars were related to the Salem Witchcraft Trials by the English settlers already having land issues with the Indians in the first place, and because of the Maine Frontier. King Philip's War was going on during the same time as these witchcraft accusings, so it was believed to be connected to some sort. In addition, apparently, the captives of the Indian's chiefs stated that they were doing witchcraft and were communicating with demons. Plus the Puritans believed the Indians were agents of the devil. …show more content…

Trade had gone out of control and the settlers kept expanding at an overwhelming pace, that was not acceptable. Historians saw that the accused people of doing witchcraft had connections to the Main Frontier and the frontier war was already going on. Also, there were sayings that Indians were also doing witchcraft, which because of this, it was believed that the Indians caused both wars, the witchcraft chaos, and the frontier. I understand why historians would link the two together, it is reasonable that it was because of the war chaos going around and mostly of the Maine

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