Revere Vs Thomas Paine Essay

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Government is a controversial topic. Both Paul Revere and Thomas Paine foretells the pros and cons of the existing government system. Paul Revere portrays his opinion on government with an artwork of the Boston Massacre, “The Bloody Massacre in King Street,” stating that government is bad and negative to exist. Thomas Paine, on the other hand, portrays his opinion with a pamphlet, stating that the government is a necessity, but could also be altered for the well-being of the society. These two documents, although discrete, reveals their own separate opinions on government systems.

Paul Revere’s opinions on government that it’s negative in, “The Bloody Massacre in King Street.” Revere presents a division within the artwork between two parties, one dressed wealthy, strong, and red on the right, the other dressed as commoners, weak, and blue on the left. The battle lies in the same town, but both sides were presented differently with one party dressed in red, that stood in a combat defense stance, whereas the other party dressed in blue had bodies piling up, lying dead on the floor covered in blood. The battle consists with the party in red armed in few numbers, whereas the party in blue was defenseless with more numbers, and therefore differentiating both the parties in the artwork. Revere’s purpose in …show more content…

“Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices.” (Pg 2, P1) Paine states that with the society and the existence of a government, this allows the society to live happily and united. The existence of a government will also be able to control a society with rules to live by and keeping the community safe. Paine demonstrates that the existence of the government system is indeed a positive necessity to have within a

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