Revenge In The Crucible Research Paper

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Themes of Revenge in The Crucible
There are many themes of revenge in the play The Crucible, characterized Abigail Williams, by Thomas Putnam, and Goody Putnam. These three people accuse others of witchcraft in order to gain something that they have wanted for a while. Abby, Thomas, and Ann Putnam are jealous, angry, and bitter during the whole book , all the while putting up a false front that helps them gain what they want with the court. Reading through the play, themes of revenge are clearly evident and all throughout the entire play. The themes of revenge in The Crucible will be shown and expanded on in the paragraphs to follow .
Abigail Williams shows many signs of desiring revenge during The Crucible. A foremost and quite …show more content…

Thomas Putnam is characterized as being vindictive, and deeply embittered. Thomas Putnam wanted more land around him, and people accused and condemned as witches land could not be claimed by their children, but could be claimed by others in the village. Thomas Putnam claimed much of the land around him that was now free, which effectively made him one of the wealthiest men in the town of Salem. Giles Corey brought a deposition against Putnam, stating that “you (Thomas Putnam) coldly prompted your daughter to cry witchery upon George Jacobs that is now in jail”, and that “The day his daughter (Ruth Putnam) cried out on Jacobs, he said she’d given him a fair gift of land” (96). Putnam was looking to get any land he could, and especially the land of those who’d wronged him in his …show more content…

Ann Putnam has had to bury all but one of her eight children, Ruth Putnam, while Rebecca Nurse has eleven children and many grandchildren. Goody Rebecca was the midwife to Goody Ann when her children were born, and “I (Ann Putnam) have laid seven babies unbaptized in the earth… And yet, each would wither in my arms the very night of their birth” (15). Ann Putnam blames Rebecca Nurse for the deaths of her children, and says to Rebecca, “You think it God’s work you should never lose a child, nor a grandchild either, and I bury all but one? There are wheels within wheels in this village, and fires within fires!” (28). This is essentially an claim stating that Rebecca Nurse has a supernatural power protecting her, and Ann does not have this power protecting her. Ann Putnam is the first to suggest witchcraft is at play in Salem, beginning with Betty and Ruth, and she charges Rebecca Nurse with witchcraft. Goody Ann is able to get her revenge on Rebecca Nurse for her babies by accusing her of witchcraft, putting her in jail, and eventually having her hanged for

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