Revenge In Edgar Allen Poe's The Cask Of Amontillado

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“The Cask of Amontillado” is the story of a deranged man, Montresor, who recounts the heinous act he committed half a century ago in the catacombs of his home to an unknown listener. The reader is not sure who he tells his story to however it is to be noted Montresor confesses to his crime without a hint of remorse, he seems to be proud to have successfully gotten away with murder. Montresor’s desire for revenge is clear throughout the story however the same cannot be said for the motive. His victim, Fortunato, and the reader are unaware of Montresor’s true motive, all that is said is that Fortunato has insulted Montresor. Edgar Allen Poe’s story can be psychoanalyzed by using Sigmund Freud’s ideas and diving in to Montresor’s family and status.
Without a well-developed ego, “the rational part of the mind”, how would it be possible to keep Montresor’s id in check? (Rennison 39) Considering this it is possible to conclude that Montresor’s ego is at fault, not able to suppress or no longer being able to suppress his id’s wishes. For this reason, Montresor is able to plan the murder and advance when he has Fortunato were he wants him. The super-ego helps the ego and is essentially “our sense of what is right and what is wrong, and the demands that we often behave in ways acceptable in society at large rather than to our own individual urges” and is formed by society and the people who raised them (Rennison 40). Unfortunately, the reader is not given any information about how Montresor was raised or if he was raised by his parent; however it can be concluded that Montresor’s super-ego was not formed correctly as he cannot stop in his quest for revenge. These concepts explain the inner workings of Montresor’s mind but there is still more to Montresor’s hatred for
Montresor family had to have been a noble family especially because of the size of the catacombs where even Fortunato claims “‘These vaults’, he said, are extensive’”(Poe 293). Montresor name is “derived from the French mon trésor, ‘my treasure, riches, wealth, etc.’” and perhaps “Montresor has suffered social persecution or reduction of status” (Pittman 327). At the time that Montresor plan is in action, Fortunato is in a higher status as Montresor say to Fortunato, “You are rich, respected admired beloved; you are happy, as once I was. You are a man to be missed” suggesting that Montresor is not in the position he once was (Poe 293). Also Montresor’s family coat of arm “A huge human foot d’or, in a field of azure; the foot crushes a serpent whose fangs are imbedded in the heel and family’s moto “Nemo me immpune lacessit” play a part. Fortunato was not able to recall the arms or the moto and “being a descendent of a powerful aristocrat family, Montresor could not possibly let Fortunato insult him with impunity” (Baraban 170). Montresor is proud of his family, and mostly likely believes that Fortunato is below him, giving him enough reason to kill him. The moto also gives him another reason that translates to “ No one insults me with impurity” and Montresor must fulfil his “duty before his noble ancestry” (Baraban

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