Retention of Older Workers

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Many physical changes associated with aging can affect productivity. Those that have been investigated include decreased cardiorespiratory functioning, reduced muscle strength and sensory deterioration. A decrease in cardiorespiratory functioning often leads to increased fatigue, according to a 1995 study. This can reduce productivity in older workers, who may be relegated to more physically demanding tasks if they lack technical skills for more cognitive tasks.

Deterioration of muscular strength has been implicated in the decline in productive work performance of industrial workers who must repeatedly lift heavy objects. Muscular endurance, however, has proven more difficult to assess. A 1991 study found that 80 percent of workers on disability in Holland were older than age 50, with nearly a third of cases due to musculoskeletal disorders. It is not surprising, therefore, that as workers employed for heavy physical labor get significantly older, their productivity declines.

Although some studies now show that improved ergonomic designs in the workplace can ease problems accompanying decreased muscular strength, the most that can be offered at this time are proactive health and strength measures to delay the onset of decreased productivity.

Another common age-related loss is sensory deterioration, such as vision, hearing and balance. The changes often progress subtly, countered by compensatory mechanisms that offset productivity declines until the very last stages of life. A 1988 study found that bus drivers who were 60-64 years old had better safety records and fewer accidents per year than any other age group.

Much overlooked and little understood is the impact of social changes related to aging, such as becoming a caregiver to a spouse or parent while employed. According to a 1989 study, the proportion of older people who act as providers and/or caregivers for disabled family members increases after age 45, affecting 20 percent of the population by age 75. It is often cited as a major reason for retirement or decreased hours worked per year, especially for older women. Familial caregiving responsibilities place a heavy burden of stress on the caregiver. Research has also found that chronic stress can reduce productivity on the job, requiring more days off, late arrivals, early departures and increased absenteeism.

Based on the research findings...

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...ity in total hours worked. A 1993 study found that 24 percent of respondents to a health and retirement survey had the flexibility to work fewer hours at their current job. Nearly 14 percent wanted to decrease their hours but could not, and this group was more likely to retire at either age 62 or 65. According to another study, flexibility in hours required at work will become increasingly important to retaining older, more experienced workers.

Likewise, allowing a more gradual transition into retirement will become more important, other studies indicate. The more control workers feel they have regarding retirement decisions, the more likely they are to be satisfied and productive in their work.

The state of current research investigating productivity among older workers suggests that given the right environment and management styles, older workers can be just as productive and valuable as younger workers-perhaps even more so. Retention of older workers needs to be a focus of company management as baby boomers move into traditional retirement age. Their retention will most likely be crucial in maintaining a competitive edge in the workplace in the current and coming decades.

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