Resume Fraud Case Study

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Ethical Incident in Resume Fraud

Due to advancement of technology, population growth and unemployment rate, ethical concerns are rising in today’s 21th century. One of the ethical concern is a resume fraud which is common and known issue among most of the companies in today’s world. Because of less availability of high paid jobs and stable career with handful of facilities provided by multinational companies, candidates are attracted towards bigger companies and highly lucrative jobs. Following the above, candidates try to fabricate and exaggerate their academic and other information based on employer requirements to be able to get the job. Misleading an employer in any form also leads to resume fraud which means employer believe that you have an expertise on certain skills that you do not have in real situations. The report cites about the incident wherein “The IBM employee R. Nandan indulged in resume fraud and used his spouse information’s to get employment in India’s $100 billion information technology sector”.
Ethical Implications in resume fraud in relation to the article given:
There are several ethical implications in resume fraud which can affect companies in various ways as follows:
Ruin’s Company’s (IBM) reputation: Because of resume fraud done by R. Nandan, which affects company’s reputation and weightage in the global business world. Especially, when company’s expectations were so high with the profile of a project manager like R. Nanadan. This issue of resume fraud has affected the company’ internal management system drastically in terms of company’s business and net growth. The salary package provid...

... middle of paper ... a trail period of the candidate within the company before any employment contract is signed, so that the employer can do a background check up and contact several people to prove that the particular candidate is being honest.
Lastly, the employer should do regular evaluation of the employees performance on the particular post assigned to make sure that he or she is doing all the task assigned properly so as to be able to achieve the company’s objectives.
Conclusion: In conclusion, with the resume fraud increasing it will be hard to completely stop the fraud occurring due to increase in the unemployment rate. However, since the employers are now becoming more aware with the fraud, it will prevent great impacts to the stakeholders who are involved with those companies.


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