Restore Edge Essay

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Restore Edges: What to do When Your Hairline Starts Thinning or Goes Missing

There are weeks where I see what in my opinion is a theme occuring at my office. This week’s theme has been some clients in my office retelling similar stories and also enquiring if there is a pill, lotion, product or oil that will restore hair on receding hairlines and thinning edges.

A client expressed how she has had thinning edges for the better part of her adult and has tried everything to assist in re-growing the hair. She enquired if there is anything to actually restore black women’s edges. Another shared that she had a little bald patch along her edges where hair had been pulled out by wearing extensions and wanted to know if her hair would grow back. …show more content…

Tight curl patterns are more vulnerable to dryness. A reason for this that the natural oils produced by the scalp can not glide over the hair that is strained by the tight curl pattern. The hair is vulnerable to breaking and damage because of the lack of moisture.

To reduce breaking and help rejuvenate their natural hair, a lot of black women who suffer hair loss will opt for protective hairstyles. The list of protective hairstyles includes updos, twists, braids, buns and weaves. But there are others.

Common Problems with Protective Styling

It should be understood that protective styles are not a technique, instead it is a mode of having hair in order for black woman to avoid processing, using heat styling tools or products that damage black hair.
Sadly some women have their hair in a certain style for a period of time. The result is that the hair style, specifically weaves and certain kinds of braids, puts stress on the hair. This tension on the hair can cause a kind of alopecia(hair loss).

Another common issues can occur because of needed moisture is lacking. As we have said earlier, afro-textured hair susceptible to dryness and inadvertedly breaking. Without regular conditioning a hairstyle may turn brittle causing breakage over time.

Restoring Thin

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