Restoration Vs. Romantic: Literature Between The Restoration And The Romantic Period

877 Words2 Pages

Madison Blair
H English

Restoration vs. Romantic
Literature between the Restoration and the Romantic period alters primarily because of changes in society, culture, and government in England. In the Restoration period, approximately between 1660-1700 A.D., after the previously unseated Stuart family returned from exile in France to rule Britain, new leaders struggled to establish a stable social and political norm. The general feeling of the people was dislike of this change, and thus this conservatism was a recurring theme in the writing of this time, as well as the decomposition of the old cultural order and people’s personal opinions towards a new idea of order and understanding of the world. The late 18th and early 19th century was known as the Romantic age, and was influenced by both the American and French revolutions, which instilled a new revolutionary mindset, and then further by the Industrial Revolution, about which authors spoke of liberal and radical reforms. Romanticism writers sought to liberate themselves from the restrictions and standards of the 18th century through expressing freedom to further explore imagination. The historical events influencing European authors differed, but the changes helped the authors change mindsets and allowed them to slowly become more free in their thinking and writing. Although the Restoration and Romantic periods were historically not very far apart, the changes in the writing style, form, and theme were greatly influenced by the time’s social status quo, culture, and authoritative style of the government.
During the Restoration period, Jonathan Swift wrote “A Modest Proposal” because he was angry about the fact that the English abused its relations with Ireland...

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... in the writing style, form, and theme were greatly influenced by the time’s social status quo, culture, and authoritative style of the government. The Restoration pieces are very intriguing, factual, and entertaining, often using satiric, rhetoric, and humorous literary devices to convey an argument to a large group of people. They are easier to read and therefore are not as hard to derive a meaning from, as opposed to the Romantic pieces which are not as structured, and most times the language is hard to decipher and extract a theme from. Although this process of re-reading and re-reading is tiring, the ultimate feeling when one has acquired the significance of the poem is very rewarding. The different styles, forms, and themes that developed during these two time periods have produced great work that has been an important contribution to literature over the ages.

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