Restaurant At The Universe Sparknotes

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The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams brings an exciting adventure to your home as the story continues from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. After Arthur asks for a simple pot of tea, the Heart of Gold, the prestigious ship is attacked by Vogons. Through the help of the great-grandfather of Zaphod, they escape. However, Zaphod and Marvin are nowhere to be found. Zaphod finds himself on the planet Ursa Minor Beta, with a mission to talk to Zarniwoop and find the leader of the galaxy. After getting to the building that contains Zarniwoop and Marvin, the building gets attacked. After Zaphod hides in a building, he is (unknowingly) sent to an alternate dimension which is made for him, where he finds Zarniwoop. After escape, Zaphod is acquainted with Arthur, Ford Prefect, and Trillian. They arrive at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, in which they get trapped in Hotblack Desiato’s car, which is auto piloted toward the sun. Again being separated, Ford and Arthur find themselves on a crashing ship, and Zaphod and Trillian back on the Heart of Gold. Ford and …show more content…

If I were to choose a favorite part of the story, I would have to say the ending made the book worth reading. To start with, it ended the wonder of the question, which led before the answer, which we knew. It ended it with humor, which only this series would do. It ended with the fact that 6 x 9 = 42, which we all know is 54. Next, the following reactions add quite a bit of humor to the story. After all the past book(s) joking that it could just be 6 x 7, it was quite close. It showed that they had no idea what to think of the situation and were just in awe. Finally, it lead the possibility to more theories about what could happen next in the book. It could lead to people thinking that this could not be the next Earth, due to just how absurd the question is. And that is why I love the final

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