Responding To Texts By Anita Lobel

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Responding to Texts - Biography
‘No pretty pictures, a child of war’ was written by Anita Lobel. This book is a biographical memoir of Anita’s life in which she tells her story about being a young Jewish girl in Poland on the run from the Nazi’s fearing being captured during World War 2. Lobel describes the events that occurred in her life in a forthright and honest manner going in-depth about everything around her and she felt retaining her perception through child’s eyes. This allows the reader to really engage with her story and imagine the sadness and emotion of a young girl who lost her childhood, yet survived the atrocities of the holocaust.
Form: This book is a biographical account from a little girl’s perspective “Anita Lobel” of …show more content…

The German language used provided the voice of polish (victims) Germans enemy, antagonist shouting at the Jewish people “Raus, Schnell!” This biography is written in past tenses i.e. after the events happened, also the use of connection to time “For five and half years my brother & I had escaped. We had been running and hiding and pretending not to be Jews” (pg 107).
The author uses verbs such as ‘hastily, dragging, pushed, screaming, attack, assault, yanked’ to express the emotion and horror of the incidents. This impacted the audience by emotionally informing them of the horrors that occurred 75 years ago letting the target audience know to never let this happen again and don’t repeat history.
Technical language is used to explain the emotion Anita felt being on the run from the Nazi’s beginning to doubt her Jewish heritage and be ashamed of it e.g. ‘Every time I looked in the mirror all I could think was: Jew, Jew. Ugly, obvious Jew girl’ (pg 67). This makes the audience feel sympathy for the young girl as the war has made her feel worthless and not an equal human being to everyone

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