Research Simulation: Nighthawks By Edward Hopper

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Name: Sathvick Talanki

Research Simulation

Imagine that you’re going home after an adventure, but a wave of tiredness sweeps over you. Now, you just want to take a break and eat before continuing the ride home. However, all restaurants are closed at this time. Where do you go? The American diners exist for exactly that reason. Workers are there for making cups of hot coffee or short meals and brunches. They are always working hard to cater you with their meals when restaurants are closed (Source B).

In most diners, neatness and comfort is a top priority as diners are prefabricated structures with a counter, and stools just like any other restaurant (Source B). You can see this in the painting “Nighthawks” by Edward Hopper. In the 1800s, many of these diners were fitted with stained and etched glass windows and intricately painted murals giving it a beautiful look (Source B). It usually provides customers with inexpensive meals especially at night. It is crucial during the night as people come back from jobs and they’re tired. …show more content…

The diners are open even when restaurants are closed. Walter Scott was a part-time pressman who started out by selling sandwiches to newspaper night workers (Source B). He gained a lot of profit from this, so he started selling food in front of the Providence Journal at the night (Source B). In doing so, he unknowingly inspired the diner (Source B). Over the decades, diners became popular in the night, and some were even called “Nite Owls” (Source B). The painting “Nighthawks” shows this as there are customers when it’s dark

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