Research Paper On Wind Energy

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Wind Energy Wind energy is one of the oldest forms of obtained energy on the planet. Wind energy is used for many things, but more recently has been used for wind power, and has become one of the most cost effective sources of electricity in the new electric generation. Wind power takes wind energy and transforms it into mechanical energy, and then to electricity. People started using wind power centuries ago with the invention of the windmill in about 500- 900 A.D by the Persians. The manufacturing of windmills however is a more recent idea which started in 1854 by Daniel Halladay. Wind being a renewable element of the earth, means that if it is harnessed as energy it could help sustain the people of the planet, and with a resource that is readily available at anytime, it could help advance the human race, as it is doing on a daily basis. Wind power has, and always will be used to power the lives of many people. Wind is the movement of air from a high pressure area to a low pressure area, which the sun creates with the heating of certain areas of the earth. The combination of wind power as well as solar power are being used as great alternative fuel resources, and could quite frankly help power the future. …show more content…

Most wind turbines have 3 blades and can stand up to 80 feet tall or higher, because the higher up you go, the more wind is available, thus the more energy can be obtained. With modern advancements researchers have been able to develop many different and more effective wind turbines. These turbines co- exist with the different elements of the environment and are adaptive to the kind of wind produced in that environment. These types of turbines are those that pick up utility scale wind, distributed wind, and offshore wind, which is seen as the future of the alternative energy revolution, and the key to low cost

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