Research Paper On The Movie 42

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“42” features protagonist, Jackie Robinson, a black baseball player who is scouted by a major team executive, Branch Rickey to join the Brooklyn Dodgers. Being the first black to break the colour barrier in major league baseball, Robinson is faced with unrelenting racial hostility both on and off the field. He braves incessant racial slurs and threats while having to fight the tenacious urge to retaliate. The movie documents a pivotal moment of US history, as a single black man makes his mark in the history of baseball and changes the game forever, making it more inclusive of players of all skin colours. The premise of this essay is that news media plays a key role in changing society’s attitudes over time. This essay will discuss how racial …show more content…

Several white players in the team were so outraged by this decision that they started a petition to refuse to play with Robinson on the team. The whites had grown up with the perception that the blacks were inferior to them and labelled them as ‘worthless’ and ‘dirty’. Growing up with such a stereotype ingrained into their minds led to them being unable to accept a black man on their team. Thus, discrimination and protest was the answer for them when faced with such a situation. Despite the internal unrest within the team itself, Rickey was rooted in his belief that race should not be a determining factor if one could play baseball or …show more content…

The company was heavily critiqued for their poor response to the crisis. In response, Malaysian Airlines’ crisis director, Fuad Shariju admitted that his team could have handled the case better. He claimed that the airline was kept in the dark regarding the government’s efforts, which came off to the public as withholding information, which was beyond their control. Shariju expressed his grief, identifying with the devastation of the families of the victims (Culbertson). Agenda setting was used in this situation to evoke sympathy and understanding for Malaysian Airlines. Shariju’s transparency in the statements he released, as well as his identification with the emotional struggles of the families put the company on a more empathetic level.

Agenda setting was both very much prevalent and effective in both the movie scenario and the case study, as both media releases were twisted in the way in which the publications wanted to portray the

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