Research Paper On The Bandido By Luis Marquez

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Mikayla Lake Miss Marks English 9A 1 March 2024 Bandido! And the Reasons It Should Not Be Taught The United States’s first book ban was considered to be performed in Quincy, Massachusetts in the year 1637. The Bandido. by Luis Valdez was written about a Mexican bandit named Tiburcio Vasquez, and is often debated on whether it should be banned or not. It follows Vasquez through his key parts in life, such as the birth of his child and the murder in Tres Pinos. The playwright contains content such as homicide and theft that has led to the disagreements on its ban. Some people say Bandido! should not be banned, due to the cultural relevance and how many people may connect with the main character as he brings the racism Mexican people face to light. …show more content…

Also, its graphic content can impact the minds of youth and promote real world violence or cause desensitization. The Bandido. by Luis Valdez should not be taught in schools due to the criminal glorification of Tiburcio Vasquez, and how it can persuade teenagers to mimic his actions. In Act 1 Scene 3, before the robbery in Tres Pinos, Tiburcio Vasquez was instructing his gang on the actions they should perform. Tiburcio says, “The women are not to be harmed, and no one–I repeat–no one is to be killed. Theft with dignity, gentlemen” (Valdez 116). In this quote Tiburcio insists upon the fact that no one should be harmed, and that they are committing theft for a good reason. To those who think Tiburcio was a strong role model, they may imitate these actions and justify it by not hurting anyone and doing it for revenge. By teaching this in school, those who view him as a role model would likely increase, along with crime rates. In the article “Anti Hero Vs Villain - A Complete Guide”, the …show more content…

by Luis Valdez should be banned in schools. For one, a Bandido! contains harsh topics of gun use and theft, which can have a negative impact on a teenager’s mind and can encourage these behaviors. The playwright also glorifies the criminal behavior of Tiburcio Vasquez, which can lead younger audiences to follow and imitate his actions. Although cultural relevance is important, there are other, more positive places you can find this support without being involved with a criminal main character. It is important to talk about this debate because many people have different opinions, and it is helpful to learn what should be considered positive for students. Young audiences are constantly developing and growing mentally, and the content they consume as children can further impact them into

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