Research Paper On Scorpio

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My favorite constellation is Scorpio. Why? You might ask, simply because it is my astrological sign and is to me a very fascinating constellation. Scorpio, otherwise known as Scorpius is one of the many constellations of the zodiac. The word Scorpio is Latin for scorpion and is represented by the symbol "♏". It is positioned between the constellations Libra to the west and Sagittarius to the east. Scorpio is a large constellation in the southern hemisphere near to the center of the Milky Way.

The constellation Scorpio is of Greek origin and in ancient descriptions the constellation Libra was represented as the claw of the scorpion. In Greek mythology, the myths relating to Scorpio often contained reference to Orion. In one of the myths it is said that Orion boasted to the goddess Artemis …show more content…

Artemis loved Orion as well but decides not to give in to him that easily and so she gives him a challenge, he is to battle against the scorpion and if he wins she will be his, Orion accepts the challenge and it was settled that on the dawn of the summer solstice Orion shall battle the scorpion. Artemis' twin brother, Apollo, never liked Orion and was angry when he heard of the challenge, and so on the night before the challenge he paid the scorpion a little visit. Apollo gave the scorpion a drink of water filled with poison to which the scorpion was immune to but whomever the scorpion stung would be given that poison and will die. So on the day of the summer solstice Orion and the scorpion have met in grasslands to begin their battle, the two fought long and hard but as the blood red sun began to set the scorpion delivered its final blow, it stung Orion in the neck and shortly after he died. Artemis could not bear to see her lover go and so she asked Zeus to place Orion in the heavens where every winter she would watch him hunt but when summer came he fled as the scorpion

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