Research Paper On Rosemary Hoyt

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Rosemary Hoyt Rosemary Hoyt is a perfect representative of the Hollywood Golden Girl. She is a young, beautiful movie star, who was born in the United States, but educated in France. She began her adventure with film in Paris, where she lived with her mother Mrs. Elsie Speers. The first mention of Rosemary is to be encountered in the beginning of the novel upon her arrival in the South of France: “However, one’s eye moved on quickly to her daughter, who had magic in her pink palms and her cheeks lit to a lovely flame. Her fine forehead sloped gently up to where her hair, bordering like an armorial shield, burst into lovelocks and waves and curlicues of ash blonde and gold. Her eyes were bright, big, clear, wet, and shining” . Rosemary was clearly a girl endowed with grand beauty. Not only did she have cinematic features beauty wise (stereotype of a “Hollywood’s golden girl” ), but she also perceived the world as if through a camera lens. At the age of eighteen, Rosemary already had a dozen of admirers, stunned by her beauty. …show more content…

The choice of the clothing indicates that Rosemary was relaying on being comfortable, but still elegant during a casual event. Despite being casually dressed, she was still admired: “You’re beautiful, he said. A little more beautiful than ever” . Rosemary Hoyt is the only female character from whose perspective the story is told. Due to her experience in a world of luxury and glamour that Hollywood provides, as well as her innocence, she appears to be an ideal point-of-view-character. Another appealing aspect that makes Rosemary the perfect narrator of the story, is her being an outsider, a tourist. Despite being a successful actress, she had limited knowledge of the world. Through becoming a part of Dick and Nicole’s life, she discovers what she was

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