Research Paper On Persepolis

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“Persepolis (2007)” is an enthralling movie, directed by Vincent Paronnaud and Marjane Satrapi, which captured the hearts of Mrs. Eagle’s English II classes. The movie starts with Marjane Satrapi as a young, cheerful, upbeat child. Throughout the movie, Marjane transforms from an ecstatic child to a lonely, depressed adult as she escapes Iran to move to Vienna. The movie captures the important aspects of the Iranian Revolution, and is thus an exceptional watch.
“Persepolis” captures Marjane Satrapi’s coming of age, from a young child to a young adult. “Persepolis” is a heartfelt movie that engages viewers from start to finish. Marjane overcomes war, heartbreaks, addiction, and depression; never a dull moment. From graphic novel to an animated

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